Tests in pregnancy can cause a great deal of worry. It can be hard to find clear explanations in the very pressurised NHS. If you want time to discuss issues and ask questions a private midwife can help.
What does the combined test result mean?

Tests in pregnancy can cause a great deal of worry. It can be hard to find clear explanations in the very pressurised NHS. If you want time to discuss issues and ask questions a private midwife can help.
Babies cry. It is normal. It is also very hard for parents to ignore and can be very distressing. In this post, I aim to share some of the information and advice I give my clients who ask “why is my baby crying?” Studies have estimated that “normal” newborn babies cry for about 2 hours a day in the first…
Private midwives can be valuable in many situations, providing full care or working in conjunction with NHS services or private obstetricians. Not just for those wanting a homebirth, they also offer care in complex pregnancies. One-off consultations and full care options are available.
NIPT (non-invasive prenatal testing) is a sophisticated screening test used to identify babies who are likely to be affected by the three most common chromosomal conditions affecting liveborn babies. These are trisomy 21 (Downs syndrome), trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome) and trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome). NIPT is frequently referred to as the Harmony test, but it is important to understand that…
Pregnancy after loss can be extremely challenging. The processes which create a baby are complex and sadly a great many people experience pregnancy loss. Estimates vary, but the commonly estimate is that at least one in four pregnancies end in loss. Most of these losses are very early, but loss can occur at any stage of pregnancy. Grief is a…